(Standard Size 1024x768 Only)
Shared By HJ: "3Ding a 2D image, HJ...esse quam videri"
WOW HJ, you just can not go wrong with a sci-fi wallpaper, at least not in my eyes you can't and this one is so well done and so pleasing to the eye my Wallpaper Buddy and I'm so glad to add it to the Wallpaper collection here and Sci-Fi Hugs to You HJ.
And for those of you that may think like HJ whereas the three voting selections here don't reflect the way you think, I did try to change them, but when I did all the previous votes on all My Posting were lost so I had to but them back to the way they have always been. So to help HJ and any others that are not voting here because the voting selections do not reflect the way you think, if you simply think of it this way...
A Vote for [Love It & Thanks]
Is = to [5 Thumbs Up]
Or = to [Like] as on HJ's Blog
A Vote for [It's Ok I Saved It]
Is = to [<I'm In The Middle On This One>]
Or = to [Indifferent] as on HJ's Blog
And A Vote for [Sorry - Not For Me]
Is = to [1 Thumb Down]
Or = to [Yuck] on HJ's Blog
So hoping this conversion table helps those that are not voting like HJ and not reflecting the way you think, but I really doubt what ever the voting labels are, for those that are just downloading Walls from this Blog without showing any kind of love and support are still NOT going to vote whatever choices are available to them and I simply choose not to keep doing all this work for all those that are sharing their hard work here without something IN RETURN FOR THEM!!
So with this said.....Enjoy what is here while you can guys! The Vote is now in your hands whether this Blog continues on or not!!!
Your Wallpaper Buddy Always,
Wall Wallpaper Hugs
()()( Brent )()()
Here In California
Brent, If there is some way you can publish a download counter, that would let us know more, IMhO, than voting. I don't know if this is doable. -- I would be sorry to see you close the blog. If you really want a workshop rather than a showcase, you could close it to non-wallers. (Notice, I didn't say "artists." I know some of you have no such pretensions, or aspirations, for that matter.) Whatever you decide to do, I want you to know that I very much appreciate your effort, and I wish you all the best. -- HJ
Sorry H Jonez that is not even doable! You see I just receive a daily csv file from a hidden gadget I have on this Blog. This csv file is an Excel File that just shows me what was downloaded from the Blog for the day and this includes all the Walls plus all the photos in How To Make Your First Wall. So there is not per say a download counter for each wall! And as for being a workshop rather than a showcase, well if I do make this blog a private Blog by invitation only, then it will be just a workshop blog and the showcase to the public will be gone. Hoping this information is of help and thanks for you kind wishes. (Brent)
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