WOW David, you know that old saying sometimes you can not see the forest for all the trees!!! Well Wallpaper Buddy, this is one of them and what a great reminder to share with all My current Blog Fans here!!! Yes "Iconoid" is a free light weight little program that I have been using for years now and it goes all the way back to Windows 98 and is still going strong to this day under Windows 8!!! So what is "Iconoid" you are asking, well it is just a simply little program that for one, "HIDES" all your desktop icons automatically after 10 seconds of your mouse not moving, which allows you to enjoy you Desktop Wallpaper without any of your desktop icons covering up anything, as shown here.....
(My Desktop With Iconoid And My Mouse Just Moved)
(Now My Desktop With My Mouse idle for 10 sec.)
And if you want your lower bottom task bar to disappear also, their is a setting for that as well as your cursor also, then you have a COMPLETE FULL MONITOR view of you favorite Wallpaper and when you want everything to re-appear, just move your mouse. DA TA!For two, the other sweet thing this program does is that it can line-up ALL your Icons either to the Right, to the Left, to the Top, to the Bottom or ALL AROUND THE OUTER SIDES, like I prefer with just a click of a button!!! This is great depending on what your current Wallpaper you may have.
And for three, for those of you that have a Monitor that the Wallpaper size doesn't fit, then this Utility Program uses Auto Bordering that best matches a color that borders the smaller Wallpaper for your Monitor or you can set it to any color that you would like, such as black. The following is my Wide Screen Monitor with Bryan's Standard Size Wallpaper...
(This Is Version #1 With A Light Brown Border)
(While This Is Version #2 With A Dark Gray Border)
(Both Were Auto Bordered By Iconoid)
And as you can see this is much better than just blank white on both sides or if you have a standard monitor with a wide screen wall paper then the blank white on top and bottom are Auto Border with a matching color.So as you can see, I'm really impressed with this program and all that it can do and I thank David for his reminder to share it with all of you!
The link to check it out and download it if you like what any one or these three things that you are seeing for computers running Windows XP through Windows
Hoping this information is of help to someone and if it is, please leave your comment or at least your vote! Thanks
Your Wallpaper Buddy
With Hidden Hugs
()( Brent )()
PS: My Wallpaper Postings will resume tomorrow morning for those that were hoping to find something new here today or yesterday, that is if I see that those that are downloading without voting start doing so, for after all it is just a click away? And I always wanted this Blog to be a two-way street Blog between those that create walls and those that are enjoying them!!! AND IT CURRENTLY, WELL IT IS SIMPLY NOT!!! Come On Guys, Show Your Love And Support for those that are sharing what your are enjoying on YOUR DESKTOPS!!! DA and DA.. And if you continue to choose not do so, well I'm sorry to say, I simply see no reason to continue this one way street BLOG!!! Just some food for thought Guys and while this is a lot of work for not only me, but also for all those that are sharing and it is I think the least you can do to keep this Blog Going? And it doesn't matter which of the three you click on to cast your vote, click on one of them that is if you want this Blog to continue on? This is YOUR LAST WARNING!!! I'm go to give this Blog one more week and if things don't change, then I'm either going to close it down completely, or make it a private blog to invited readers only that I know that have been voting and emails will be sent to you if I choose to do this so that you will be able to log in with your e-mail address and password. Consider All Of You None Votes That Are Downloading Forewarn!
Thank You David
I have just downloaded Iconoid and it works great, it is nice to see my and others WP without icons in the way. I appreciate you reminder to Brent.
I don't vote because the available choices don't reflect what I think. --HJ
Thanks H Jonez for your input and if there are more that are thinking the way you are, then just maybe it is time to bring this Blog to an end. At least I did give it a good try to make this Blog work. (Brent)
You are most welcome John and Thank You Brent for posting my suggestion. It is great to see that it has been of help to several. Your Long Time Wallpaper Buddy that always votes, David
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